Discover a Revolutionary Way Of Improving Your Health With Altanova

Altanova Liposomal Delivery Ensures Optimal Nutritional Uptake And Absorption Of Key Into Your Bloodstream For Optimal Health

Liposomes are a revolutionary way of encapsulating active ingredients to protect and deliver them directly to the cells of our tissues, which are reached via the bloodstream.

Liposomes stabilize therapeutic compounds—overcoming obstacles to cellular and tissue uptake—and improve the bio distribution of compounds to target sites.

The primary purpose of taking an amazing supplement like Altanova, is to ensure its transport into the bloodstream to your intestinal cells. However, due to the poor absorption and bioavailability rates of traditional dietary capsules, active ingredients lose most of their potency while passing through the gastrointestinal tract or are simply not absorbed in the small intestine at all. The majority is excreted unused via the intestines or kidneys.

Liposomes are vesicles comprised of phospholipids—the primary building blocks of cell membranes. Because they are made of the same material our cell membranes are made of, as they bond to your cell membranes, they help facilitate the delivery of nutrients that are difficult for your body to absorb.

Altanova liposomal delivery offers a targeted and total absorption of active ingredients with a delayed‑release effect, unlike all other nutrient delivery methods. This increased circulation time of key nutrients in the bloodstream significantly enhances its bioavailability. The higher the bioavailability of an active substance, the more effect it has on the body. Some Of the benefits of taking Liposomal supplements include:

1. It can help ensure that your GI tract won’t render your supplementation ineffective and help increase the uptake and absorption of them.

2. Since they avoid the digestive process, You can take them with or without food and still be effective.

3. Provides a larger nutritional boost and offers higher bioavailability, peak plasma concentrations, and absorption compared to conventional capsules.

By bypassing first pass metabolism with liposomal supplementation you avoid drug-nutrient interactions, because they are absorbed through different mechanisms than your usual supplement, this provides you with better outcomes, ensuring your nutritional needs are being met. To learn how liposomal products can improve your health and quality of your life, Click Here.