Cycloastragenol Maximum Strength
Delay The Aging Process With Amazing New Health Supplement
Cycloastragenol stimulates the repair of DNA damage by activating telomerase, a nucleoprotein enzyme which catalyses synthesis and growth of telomeric DNA. It is known to enhance immune functions; protect the liver; act as a diuretic; and have anti-aging, anti-stress, antihypertensive, and extensive antibacterial properties
Telomeres are made of thin filaments and are found at the tips of chromosomes. Maintaining their stability enables cells to avoid replicative senescence and indefinite proliferation beyond the ‘Hayflick limit’. Telomeres shorten with each cycle of cell division, or when subjected to oxidative stress. Until now, this has been an unavoidable mechanism of aging.
Cycloastragenol maximum strength is a saponin made up of a group of oil glucosides naturally found in a number of plants. It is taken out from and purified from the root of the plant Astragalus membranaceus, which has been used in Chinese pharmacopoeia for thousands of years, particularly for its capacity to slow down the age-related degenerative processes.
However, cycloastragenol is found in astragalus in very small quantities and physically removing it, is a highly sophisticated and cost prohibitive business.
Cycloastragenol is very similar in chemical structure to that of the Astragaloside IV molecule, but it is smaller and substantially more bioavailable, enabling smaller doses to be taken. It is already used as an immunostimulant because of its ability to increase T lymphocyte proliferation.
Stimulating telomerase and increasing telomeres are without doubt the most promising ways of increasing life expectancy naturally. Animal and in vivo tests show that cycloastragenol is one of the very few substances – and the most powerful – that can appreciably increase such activity.
Recent studies have shown that shortened telomeres are responsible for a number of age-related diseases and are also predictive of premature death in elderly subjects. This has been confirmed by examining the immune response of T lymphocytes in terminal-phase infection, the T lymphocytes having significantly shortened telomeres.
The study showed a noticeable fall in immune function and increased secretion of various cytokine-related pro-inflammatory factors. In contrast, maintaining a high telomerase level, whether through genetic manipulation or through the introduction of activating substances (such as cycloastragenol), curtails shortening of telomeres and even increases their numbers, restoring a more youthful T lymphocyte profile.
The efficacy of cycloastragenol appears to be dose-dependent and people with the shortest telomeres – often the oldest members of society – achieve better and faster results with higher doses, from between 25mg to even 50mg a day.
This new formulation provides 25 mg capsules, which is the required dose at a 20% lower cost, milligram for milligram. Cycloastragenol can be combined with the anti-aging supplement Astragaloside IV, to provide you with a more complete range of telomerastic actions, or it can be switched up with it. To learn more on how Cycloastragenol Maximum Strength Capsules can stimulate more telomerase in your body and help delay the aging process, Click Here Now!
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Juvenon Blood Flow-7
Discover How Using An Amazing New Supplement Called Juvenon Blood Flow-7 Can Increase Blood Flow Throughout Your Entire Body And Enhance Your Health And Life
WHAT EXAXCTLY IS JUVENON BLOOD FLOW-7? Juvenon Blood flow-7 is a (Nitrous Oxide) vasodilator, which means it widens up the arteries. When your arteries are able to open up more, that allows blood to move freely throughout your body, delivering life giving nutrients and oxygen to every cell. Juvenon Blood flow-7 is the only full spectrum formula that gives you a stunning 230% boost of nitric oxide. That’s twice as much N-O as a leading N-O booster. Which means even better blood flow to critical organs in the body such as the thymus, brain and heart. HOW CAN JUVENON BLOOD FLOW-7 GIVE YOU SUCH GOOD RESULTS? By Boosting Nitric Oxide in 3 Different Ways Only Juvenon BloodFlow-7 brings you the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS... 1). FOOD -BASED NITRATES: Juvenon Blood Flow-7 gives your body what it needs for greater blood flow. When you boost your levels of N-O, blood circulation is improved. That means amazing HEALTH for your body! You will shield your body from health worries and feel the difference in no time. Thanks to a nitrate-rich beetroot extract which stimulates the production of N-O. 2). AMINO ACIDS: 70% of N-O is produced in the endothelium and you must supply the raw materials on hand to synthesize on demand! The Nitric Oxide Precursor blend delivers amino acids l-citrulline & l-arginine plus a “booster.” And now they've been combined with cutting-edge S7™. 3) S7™ PROTECTION: Our Patented S7™ botanical blend preserves nitric oxide by shielding against free radical attack—that means it lasts longer in the body. S7™ blows away older forms. No other formula is more powerful. Also included in this amazing, new formula is trans-resveratrol, which enhances N-O production and prevents its breakdown. Juvenon Blood Flow-7 is the first full-spectrum, multifaceted Nitric Oxide booster that increases blood flow to your entire body. This means traveling through tiny capillaries that are critically important to restoring and maintaining your health. IMAGIME HOW YOU WOULD FEEL AFTER BOOSTING YOUR LEVELS OF NITROUS OXIDE! Imagine having the endless energy and stamina of your 20 year old self. When you were the healthiest, sharpest, most vibrant version of yourself… Then staying that way for the rest of your life. Sounds too good to be true? Board-certified doctors who hold degrees of Advanced Fellow in Anti-Aging, Functional, and Regenerative Medicine along with titles of Diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine strongly support and endorse the use of Blood-Flow-7. CAPPILARY FLOW IS THE KEY: When you have healthy blood flow throughout your capillaries, every physiological process functions much better. Since these capillaries cover 74% of your body, it makes sense that if you can’t increase your blood flow through them, the vast majority of your organs and cells will be deprived of what they need to stay healthy. JUVENON BLOOD FLOW-7 WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH: (1). A 230% Increase in Nitric Oxide BloodFlow-7 boosts your blood flow by increasing your levels of nitric oxide. (2). A relaxing and widening of your capillaries - which will in turn increase blood flow to every corner of your body and help you decrease your blood pressure (3). A vehicle by which to end your fatigue levels - by increasing production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in your cells which is dependent on NITRIC OXIDE. In a clinical study at the University of Exeter, scientists found that nitric oxide helped individuals increase their stamina and exercise capabilities by up to 20% longer. It does this by improving your muscle’s use of oxygen. YOUR BODY MUST HAVE A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF N-O! (bloodflow 7) But N-O is a gas molecule. It has a lifespan of about 1 second. So it can’t be stored for later use. Your body must have a ready supply of raw materials on hand to synthesize N-O on demand. You can increase your natural production of nitric oxide with BloodFlow-7 for about a dollar a day. WITH THE USE OF THE AMAZING JUVENON BLOOD FLOW-7 SUPPLEMENT YOU CAN EXPECT: (1). To get twice as much N-O for every organ in your body! This electrifying formula WORKS FAST, bringing you sustained relief for a wide range of conditions—starting in 3 hours or less! (2). MUCH BETTER BLOOD FLOW! Promotes HEALTHY BLOOD PRESSURE AND UP TO A 230% increase in nitric oxide BOOST that will generate a powerful boost in blood circulation. (3). A 62% increase in blood vessel width and much higher ENERGY LEVELS - an optimization of your cellular oxygen intake, which will dramatically boost your energy levels. (4). Boost YOUR BRAIN: N-O increases alertness, focus, concentration and memory (5). Greater SEXUAL PERFORMANCE in bed! 500% erection improvement and 68% better intercourse experience and Super ENDURANCE & STAMINA, with a 20% boost in endurance & staying power with optimum N-O levels. (6) More OXYGEN & NUTRIENTS: N-O increases alertness, focus, concentration, memory, gives you better physical performance by reducing fatigue, improve your vital functions and enable you to move with new ease So, If you're ready to try Juvenon Blood flow-7, a formula that offers you 4 clinically-tested ways to dramatically increase your N-O level and blood flow, one that is 100% satisfaction guarantee and has the most effective nitric oxide enhancer known to science and is the only full- spectrum formula that gives you a 230% boost of nitric oxide, Click Here Now!natural anti-aging shortcuts
Now You Can Finally Discover The Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts, To Look And Feel Younger Naturally!
WHAT IS THE NATURAL ANTI-AGING SHORTCUTS ABOUT ANYWAY? Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts™ is a one-of-a-kind program, made specifically for women age 35 and over. It contains the most potent yet 100% NATURAL anti-aging “tweaks” that you can start implementing in your life TODAY! 15 YEARS OF NOT GIVING UP,UNTIL HER QUESTION WAS ANSWERED! In fact, It's about a woman who spent more than 15 years relentlessly reading, researching and interviewing women of all ages, analyzing thousands of studies as well as looking into the secrets of ancient and forgotten medicine. MADE HERSELF A HUMAN GUINEA PIG! She looked into why some women age faster than others, and even acted as her own “guinea pig”, putting herself through years of trial and error (sometimes with terrible results!) FINALLY GOT THE RESULTS SHE WAS AFTER! And she not only ended up curing her eczema, restoring her metabolism, reversing her skin problems and improving her health, but in doing so, She uncovered some of the most powerful “tricks and tweaks” that any woman can use to dramatically slow down the aging process and completely change their own skin and body too – regardless of their age – and start to look and feel years younger in a few short weeks. THE BEST PART ABOUT ALL THIS,IS THAT YOU CAN START LOOKING AND FEELING YEARS YOUNGER IN A MATTER OF WEEKS! And best of all, do it all 100% NATURALLY… without expensive creams, injections or risky surgery… She is now on a MISSION to share her secrets with as many women as possible so YOU can experience the same transformation that she did. And unlike beauty magazines, dermatologists, doctors and mainstream media, she's NOT funded by advertisers that would influence her message. NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH: She's truly focused on providing you with the truth, and nothing but the truth, when it comes to what you need to do to look younger and age much more slowly. And what’s more, the breakthrough information she's sharing isn’t based on pseudo-science or written by unqualified “bloggers” or other so-called “experts”. HER STUDIES ARE BACKED BY YEARS OF RESEARCH AND PEER REVIEWED STUDIES! The studies are based on years of research, interviews with her female clients, anti-aging literature, and last but not least, 872 peer-reviewed studies from the most respected medical journals in the world… SOMETIMES EVIDENCE JUST CAN'T BE DENIED! And the great thing about it is that it allows you to take advantage of the latest cutting-edge, anti-aging research without actually having to wade through any of the science yourself. No other program on the market today is designed SPECIFICALLY for the unique needs of women. SIMPLE YET EFFECTIVE! And, finally, no other system available today comes even close to delivering the same degree of simple, natural, yet hugely effective age-defying secrets – and YOU can be putting them into action yourself in just a few minutes from now… This is the exact same system I now share with my female clients, who want a powerful, yet simple, step-by-step system for dramatically slowing down the rate at which they age – through The "Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts" methods. And today, the life-changing results that she and her clients have experienced can be yours too! If you’ve experienced ANY of the problems listed down below, This book is something that you might want to grab right now: (1). If you’re seeing any amount of sagging of the skin on your cheeks, the eye area, around your mouth or under your jawline (this is “glycation” starting to take its toll on your collagen levels)… (2). If you’re experiencing a noticeable lack of energy… (3). If you’re witnessing wrinkles and sagging on your neck (this is the early stages of the dreaded “turkey neck”)… (4). If you’re seeing fine lines being formed anywhere on your forehead, around your mouth or around your eyes… (5). If you’re feeling like your moisturizer isn’t cutting it anymore (this is because your skin is losing its ability to exfoliate effectively)… (6). If you have less-than-perky breasts (this is due to thinning skin and diminishing levels of estrogen)… (7). If you have wrinkled knees and elbows… (8). If you have any amount of age spots or “liver spots” (these are signs of UVA damage, collagen-loss and a lack of sufficient Skin Foods™ in your diet)… YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND YEARS OF LIFE ADDED TO YOURS TO GAIN! So, If you're ready to try implementing "Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts" that consist of the most powerful anti-aging secrets that this woman has discovered during her 15 years of research – and get them in a matter of a couple of MINUTES… AND... Start implementing her proven strategies in "Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts" so that your skin and body will start transforming before your very eyes, to the point where in as little as 60 days from now, you’ll look and feel up to 5 years younger than you do RIGHT NOW…AND.. All backed by her 100% money-back guarantee, PLEASE CLICK HERE NOW!Renovation Lift
Discover What a Powerful, New, Health Product Can Do For Producing An Anti-aging Effect On Your Skin
WHAT IS RENOVATION LIFT? It's an amazing bio revitalizing treatment for reinvigorating your skin! It contains the proper combination of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and coenzyme complexes that offer a powerful solution to revitalize, nourish, and produce an anti-aging effect on the your skin. The amazing anti-aging and revitalizing function provided by Renovation Lift is capable of restoring the skin and giving it back its tone, elasticity, and glow. This product can be applied to any type of cosmetic treatment regardless of the part of the body to be treated. For body, facial, and hair treatments alike. The combined use of the Hyaluronic Acid and DMAE present in the formula hydrate and have a firming effect on the skin, obtaining incredible results, as well as the powerful regeneration action of the multivitamin complex. The perfect product for younger -looking, firm, and glowing skin. What are some of Renovation Lift key ingredients? Its composition mixes hyaluronic acid, the star ingredient in restoring tissue flexibility and in anti-wrinkle treatments, with a poly-revitalizing cocktail of 54 ingredients and DMAE. This powerful combo provides the skin with an instant dose of energy and invigoration including:- 14 vitamins (A, B, C, E) that regenerate vital cell function.
- 24 amino acids that aid in producing proteins such as elastin and collagen.
- Six coenzymes that accelerate the biochemical reactions of the tissues and trigger cell communication.
- Four minerals that help hide skin deficiencies.
- Two anti-oxidants that lessen the synthesis of free radicals
- An active ingredient that repairs skin damage as well as improves the microcirculation of capillaries and provides the necessary micronutrients for the formation of collagen.
- Hyaluronic acid is also available to help store around a thousand times its weight in water. That’s why it’s also used to restore the fullness to the lace and as a powerful wrinkle filler.
Amazing, New Supplement Eases Your Joint Pain, Promotes Mobility And Helps Protects Your Cartilage From Damage.
WHAT EXACTLY IS SAM-E? S-adenosyl-methionine is a naturally-occurring compound in the body which promotes methylation, the process whereby methyl groups (one atom of carbon and 3 of hydrogen) are transferred from one molecule to another. Methylation is essential for many enzymatic processes and this supplement is the most active of all methyl donors. Indeed, this supplement has been the subject of dozens of clinical studies involving thousands of patients. What are some of the benefits you get, if you take SAM-E? (1).This supplement plays a crucial role in conjunctive tissue synthesis; it eases joint pain, promotes mobility and protects cartilage from damage. In 2002, an American government agency, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) concluded that SAM-e was 80% more effective than a placebo at relieving osteo-arthritis pain, and as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) at treating osteo-arthritis. NSAIDs are potentially bad for you, while SAM-e has health benefits for the whole body. (2),This supplement supports hepatic synthesis of glutathione, an essential antioxidant. It stimulates the detoxification and regeneration of the liver. It has been used for treating cirrhosis and for helping people to give up alcohol and drugs. (3). This product helps treat depression naturally, more effectively and faster than anti-depressants, and without any side-effects. It simultaneously increases levels of several neurotransmitters - deficient in patients being treated for depression. (4). Supplementation with this product improves methylation, which is a key element of the energy production process, particularly the recycling of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). SAM-e has a beneficial effect on the mechanisms of aging by protecting desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from demethylation. (5). this supplement may also prevent cerebral aging: in a recent animal study, SAM-e doubled glutathione levels in the brain and increased levels of its enzymatic metabolites by 98%. It decreased a marker of radical activity by 46%, and in culture, reduced lipid peroxidation by 55%. It is a powerful and pluripotent nutrient which can be life-changing when taken at sufficient levels and in the right form. Why is SAM-e 400 mg supplement an ideal alternative for you? This supplement was introduced into Europe in 1998 and while its price has now been reduced by over 70%, it remains an expensive nutrient. It should be recognized that: (1).This is a chiral molecule which exists in two forms: an active isomer (S,S) and an inactive isomer (R, S). All SAM-e products contain these two isomers in varying percentages. The SAM-e that is offered by Supersmart contains 70-80% of the (S,S) form which is the highest level available in a pharmaceutical grade product. Some (too) cheap products contain just 47% or less. (2). This supplement is highly reactive and therefore very fragile molecule which degrades rapidly when subjected to heat, humidity or gastric acids. In fact, a poorly packaged product will degrade in just a few hours, resulting in a total lack of biological activity. In order to preserve this supplement from heat and humidity, it is essential that each tablet is double foil blister-packed. To protect it from gastric acids, it must be enteric-coated: pharmacokinetic studies show that this results in maximum serum levels. This type of packaging is more expensive but it is quite simply essential. The supplement that is offered by Supersmart is obtained naturally, by microbiological fermentation and without use of solvents. It is specially packaged to ensure optimal stability and biological activity. Like SAM-e, other substances with excellent therapeutic potential are also available as nutritional supplements. Super Quercetin, for example, is a quercetin concentrate with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and cardio-protective properties. Two natural extracts also recognized for their therapeutic efficacy are French oak, for decreasing fatigue levels and improving mood, and St John's Wort Extract, for combatting mild to moderate depression. So, If you're ready to try a health product that is amongst the most biologically active amongst its kind, which supports hepatic synthesis of glutathione, has anti-depressant properties and will Ease your joint pain, promote mobility and help protect your cartilage from damage, Click Here Now!Senolytic Complex
SkinnyFit Super Youth
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- Will help you achieve some of your health and wellness goals
- Comes in a wide variety of flavors:
- Super Youth orange-pineapple
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- No third-party testing
- Product is pricey
- Not allergen-friendly