Hallelujah Acres and Nutritional Supplements

Now You Will Discover New Hope For Your Health And Enhance The Quality Of Your Life With The Hallelujah Diet

• The Biblical foundation of the diet and the power of God’s living foods.
• The role modern medicine plays in our society.
• The Hallelujah Diet® in detail, including the importance of eating living and organic foods.
• Incorporating exercise, sunlight, fresh air and clean drinking water into our lives.
• Stress and emotional balance, and the importance of getting adequate rest.
• How to make choices, set goals, and chart the course for success.

This book also includes:

• Comments by doctors attesting to the diet.
• Inspiring testimonies by people who have healed themselves of various diseases, including Cancer, Diabetes, and Depression, among others.
• Recipes, worksheets, journals, recommended reading, and much more.
Stressing the healing power of food and how its proper use restores the body to a natural, healthy state, this book provides life-changing and life-saving information, recipes, and eating plans that have been proven safe and miraculously successful. It encourages a healthy change in eating, promoting exercise, fresh air, pure water, sunshine, and rest.

What Is The Hallelujah Diet Anyway?

The Hallelujah Diet is basically a vegan diet that is based on biblical foundation and years of research, statistics, and powerful testimonials. The Hallelujah Diet has caused people from all walks of life to stop and reconsider their daily food consumption habits.

The Hallelujah Diet suggests that 85 percent of your diet should consist of “living” foods, which include:

  • Fresh vegetable juices
  • Dairy alternatives like almond milk and banana milk
  • Organic fresh or dried fruit, though this is limited to 15 percent of daily intake
  • Uncooked whole grains, such as soaked oats and ground flax seed
  • Raw beans and peas
  • Raw nuts and seeds, eaten sparingly because of their high calorie count
  • Oils, including extra-virgin olive oil and flax oil
  • Fresh herbs and seasonings
  • Raw vegetables

The other 15 percent of your diet can consist of certain cooked foods, such as:

  • Stewed fruit
  • Whole-grain breads, cereals, and pastas
  • Cooked beans
  • Homemade vegan soups
  • Steamed or stir-fried vegetables
  • Herbal teas
  • Non-dairy cheeses and milks 

The following foods are strictly avoided on the Hallelujah Diet include:

1. Fruit: canned and sweetened fruits, nonorganic ,and sulfured dried fruits.

2. Grains: refined, bleached flour products, most cold breakfast cereals, and white rice.

3. Beans: genetically modified soy.

4. Meats: beef, fish, pork, turkey, chicken, eggs, hamburgers, bacon, hot dogs sausage, bologna, etc.

Going on a diet without added fats or animal products might be one way to jump-start your weight loss efforts. In a study published in November 2020 in JAMA Network Open, eating this way helped overweight and obese people lose an average of 5.9 kilograms (about 13 pounds) over 16 weeks.

The study randomly assigned 244 overweight and obese individuals to begin a low-fat vegan diet or join a control group that made no dietary changes. People on the vegan diet attended weekly classes with cooking demonstrations and nutrition support, and they were encouraged to consume vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes while avoiding added fats and animal products.

While participants in both groups consumed fewer calories during the 16-week trial than they did before the experiment started, people on the vegan diet managed to cut back by an average of 355 daily calories more than people in the control group.

It’s likely that people lost more weight due to the fact that they consumed fewer high-fat and high-calorie foods, and also because they replaced animal products with healthier plant-based meals, says lead study author Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD, director of clinical research at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, DC.

“Eliminating foods that are high in fat and cholesterol is one part, and the other one is replacing these foods with plant foods that are rich in fiber and antioxidants,” Dr. Kahleova says. “Both play an important role in improving cardiometabolic health.” Here are some of the benefits of going on a Hallelujah Diet.

1. Can help you from getting cancer

This is a kind of diet which is known as a cancer preventing diet. A person just has to monitor their consumption of nuts and seeds, and they should be alright. The fruits, vegetables, sprouts, juices are good for cancer patients and can also help prevent cancer in people who don’t have it.

2. Can help you to lose weight

It is beneficial for weight loss as most of it comes from the consumption of raw and unprocessed food. Weight loss is predicated on the fact that you are eating unprocessed food, and that you are keeping yourself healthy.
Also read: Why Choose A Vegan Diet? Know its Various Types, Benefits and More

3. Good for constipation

Hallelujah diet is also known to be good for constipation. Since it is a raw food and plant based diet, and one that is high in fiber. It will help prevent you from getting constipated, keep your digestive system to stay healthy and help prevent any digestive problem and gas issues. All this goes a long way in helping your weight loss goals too.

4. Helps with diabetes and cholesterol

The Hallelujah diet also helps with diabetes as well as cholesterol, because this diet is full of antioxidants and fiber. Besides making your immunity stronger, it can even balance your blood sugar levels and maintain your cholesterol levels. Because of the fact that this diet contains no added sugar and preservatives, is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, makes it a viable health option for those who want to avoid unnecessary cholesterol, prevent diabetes and help maintain a healthy weight. So if you’re ready to follow A Diet & Supplement Program that has been proven to work and ready to reclaim your health, Click here now.
