Little Spoon
Discover Why Little Spoon Is The Best Delivery Service For Kids
What makes Little Spoon so awesome , is that they have healthy, organic baby food made with non-gmo ingredients.
Most of the baby food on grocery store shelves is heavily processed with extreme heat so it can last for years on a shelf, and often has preservatives, additives and fortifiers. In the last two years, there has been a congressional report published on the quality of popular baby food brands, large amounts of heavy metals and traceability concerns. Not good, and not the grade of excellence that our kids deserve.
Little Spoon, uses an FDA approved food safety technique, cold-pressure, not heat pasteurization, that ensures that their various varieties of Baby foods and Smoothies are safe and stay fresh in your fridge for 14 days or freezer for up to 3 months. They source from trusted suppliers and farmers and their Baby blends and Smoothies are USDA Certified Organic and made with non-gmo ingredients.
They also work with pediatricians and leading experts to develop blends that is suitable for every eating stage for your baby, from first bites and single-ingredient blends through to advanced puree recipes. Their various blends serve as a great companion to baby-led weaning and their complex blends offer thicker textures and whole pieces of food as your baby ages. For on-the-go mealtime, their Smoothies are your go-to for easy meals. Purees are under $3 per blend and are delivered across the US.
Little Spoon plates, a line of healthy toddler and kids meals, are made fresh and with a focus on balanced nutrition. Packed with veggies & superfoods, you’ll never find preservatives, additives or fillers in our meals. They offer vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free and vegetarian options, plus a variety of cuisines and flavors — from finger foods to complete meals with sauces and new flavors for your kiddo to find.
Little Spoon is the best meal delivery option for picky eaters and they are constantly adding new Plates to their menu. Plates are under $5 per meal and are delivered across the US.
Little Spoon smoothies serve as healthy snacks for toddlers & kids and the best pouch option for babies as an on-the-go meal. Unlike grocery store options, their line is cold-pressed, featuring 100% organic ingredients and offers a range of flavors your kiddo will love, with ingredients you want. Smoothies are under $2.50 per pouch and are delivered across the US.
They started Little Spoon so parents everywhere can easily and simply get just produced, excellent, healthy organic meals for their children. No corners cut. Here are four benefits of giving your baby healthy, organic foods from Little Spoon:
1) Little or no Toxic Chemical Exposure– Organic foods are made without pesticides, synthetic ingredients, additives, sewer sludge based fertilizers, bioengineering and ionizing radiation. Chemical exposure issues can affect the brain development, growth rate, and overall health of your baby.
2) Better Physical and Mental Health – According to a nutritional study, it was found that two-year old’s who ate only organic dairy products had less incidents of eczema and wheezing. It should also be noted that since their is a direct correlation between diet and disease; This can be very significant, as there are more and more baby’s and kids being diagnosed with asthma. The risks for ADD, depression, and their ability to focus on things can be lowered by eating organic baby food.
3) Much Better for the Earths System of Natural Resources. -Non-organic foods are treated with toxic chemicals. Organically made foods are better for the environment because its practices involve less pollution, soil erosion, and energy .A good example is when the toxic chemicals that are sprayed onto plants, gets washed off when it rains and are absorbed into the surrounding soil and ground water, consequently having a negative affect on the nearby wildlife.
4) They Just Taste a lot Better – Many food experts and chefs actually do believe that organic foods tend to taste better. The food experts give credit to the soil care practiced by organic farmers. Strong nourishment of the soil leads to well-nourished plants, which in turns yields food with a high nutritional content and the best flavor. When starting solids, you’ll want your baby’s taste buds, to enjoy what it experiences from the first day that you feed him or her.
Why not Consider A Baby Food Delivery Service?
Little Spoons has organic baby food that is made with 100% natural ingredients, with recipes built for every stage of your baby’s life, from starting solids to complex blends. All the food is 100% organic, and contains non-GMO ingredients with nothing artificial, ever. So, if you’re ready to train your baby’s palate to get them acclimated to a start of a lifetime of healthy eating choices and want to be reassured that they are getting truly uncompromisingly, high-quality meal options, Click here now.
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Best cold brew coffee concentrate
You Can Now Have The Best Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate To Stay Healthy In 2022.
Having the best cold brew coffee concentrate can be a real boon, Especially since it's really healthy for you, and has gained more acceptance among coffee drinkers in recent years. Instead of using hot water to draw out the flavor and caffeine out of coffee beans, cold brew coffee relies on a short time process which is attained by soaking them in cold water for 12–24 hours. When you drink the best cold brew coffee concentrate that money can buy, you know you're getting a Cold brew that is smooth, great tasting and invigorating. This is such an awesome way for you to get an energizing dose of daily caffeine, without the obvious acidity and bitterness that you get from brewing hot coffee. Though most research on the health benefits of coffee uses hot brew, having the best cold brew coffee concentrate ew is thought to offer about the same amount of health benefits. Below are some of the possible health benefits of having the best cold brew coffee concentrate. (1). It's less acidic that regular coffee and has about the same amount of caffeine - Many people may find that drinking the best cold brew coffee concentrate is tastier and thus have less need to mask the acidic taste with calorie-laden cream, milk, and sugar. Drinking the best cold brew coffee concentrate is incredibly strong on its own. In fact, undiluted, it provides about 200 mg of caffeine per cup. But most people usually dilute this concentration which will inevitably reduce the total caffeine content overall, which will make it similar to the caffeine content of regular coffee. Though caffeine content can vary depending on the brewing method, the difference in caffeine content between hot coffee and cold brew isn't much. The average cup of hot coffee contains around 95 mg of caffeine, compared to about 100 mg for a typical cold brew. (2). Could help you live longer - Drinking the best cold brew coffee concentrate, may cut your overall risk of death, as well as dying from disease-specific causes. According to Healthline, a long-term study in 229,119 men and 173,141 women ages 50–71 found that the more coffee people drank, the lower their risk of death from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries, accidents, diabetes, and infections One reason for this association may be that coffee is high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that help prevent cell damage that can lead to chronic illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. These conditions can significantly reduce your lifespan. Coffee contains powerful antioxidants like polyphenols, hydroxycinnamates, and chlorogenic acid. Though studies show that hot coffee contains more total antioxidants than cold brew varieties, the latter packs some very potent antioxidants, such as caffeoylquinic acid (CQA) (3). May cause less gastrointestinal distress on your stomach than hot coffee - . Lots of people avoid coffee because it’s an acidic beverage that may stimulate acid reflux. Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acid frequently flows from your stomach back into your esophagus, causing irritation. The acidity of coffee also tends to be blamed for other ailments, such as indigestion and heartburn. The pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline a solution is from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, lower numbers more acidic, and higher numbers more alkaline. Cold brew and hot coffee generally have similar acidity levels, around 5–6 on the pH scale, though this can vary depending on individual brews. Still, some studies have found drinking the best cold brew coffee concentrate to be slightly less acidic, which means it may irritate your stomach less. Another reason why drinking the best cold brew coffee concentrate, is good for you, is that it could be less irritating than hot coffee because of the fact that it has less content of crude polysaccharides. These carbohydrates, or chains of sugar molecules, boost the immunity of your digestive system. This may cut down on stomach irritation and the troublesome effects of coffee’s acidity on your stomach. (4). May cut your risk of getting Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease - In addition to increasing your attentiveness and mood, drinking the best cold brew coffee concentrate be beneficial to your brain in other ways. Caffeine stimulates your nervous system and may affect how your brain functions. One recent study observed that drinking coffee can protect your brain from age-related diseases. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases are neurodegenerative conditions, which means they are caused by brain cell death that occurs over time. Both illnesses can result in dementia, a decline in mental health that makes daily activities difficult. Alzheimer’s disease is marked by significant memory impairment, while Parkinson’s often causes physical tremors and stiffness. One observational study found that people who drank 3–5 cups of coffee per day during mid-life had a 65% lower risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s in old age. Another observational study noted that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. In fact, men who drink more than four cups of coffee per day are five times less likely to develop this condition. (5). Could help cut your risk of getting type 2 diabetes - Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition in which your blood sugar levels are too high. If left untreated, it can lead to many serious health issues. Cold brew coffee may reduce your risk of developing this disease. In fact, drinking at least 4–6 cups of coffee per day is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. These benefits may be largely due to chlorogenic acids, which are powerful antioxidants in coffee. Drinking the best cold brew coffee concentrate may also regulate gut peptides, which are hormones in your digestive system that control and slow digestion, keeping your blood sugar stable. One study in over 36,900 people ages 45–74 found that those who drank at least 4 cups of the best cold brew coffee concentrate per day had a 30% lower risk of type 2 diabetes than individuals who didn’t drink coffee daily. A review of 3 large studies in more than 1 million people found that those who increased their coffee intake over 4 years had an 11% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, compared to a 17% higher risk in those who reduced their coffee intake by more than 1 cup per day. (6) .Could lower your risk of heart disease - Heart disease is a general term for several conditions that can affect your heart, including coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke. It’s the number one cause of death worldwide. Drinking the best cold brew coffee concentrate contains compounds that may cut your risk of heart disease, including caffeine, phenolic compounds, magnesium, trigonelline, quinides, and lignans. These increase insulin sensitivity, stabilize blood sugar, and lower blood pressure. The drink also contains chlorogenic acids (CGAs) and diterpenes, which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents Drinking 3–5 cups of coffee (15–25 ounces or 450–750 ml) daily may lower your risk of heart disease by up to 15%, compared to people who don’t drink coffee. Evidence to suggest that drinking more than 3–5 cups per day increases heart disease risk is lacking, though this effect has not been studied in people who consume more than 600 mg of caffeine per day, the equivalent of about 6 cups of coffee With that being said, people with uncontrolled high blood pressure should avoid drinking caffeine regularly, as this may further elevate their levels. (7). Can uplift your mood and spirits - The caffeine in cold brew coffee may improve your state of mind. Caffeine consumption has been shown to enhance mood, especially among sleep-deprived people. A review of studies in over 370,000 people found that those who drank coffee had lower rates of depression. In fact, for every cup of coffee consumed per day, depression risk decreased by 8%. Some research even suggests that caffeine could be used as a nutritional supplement to boost mood and brain function in older adults. In a study in 12 adults ages 63–74, taking 1.4 mg of caffeine per pound (3 mg per kg) of body weight improved mood by 17%. This amount of caffeine is equivalent to around two cups of coffee for the average-sized person. (8). May boost your metabolism - Metabolism is the process by which your body uses food to create energy. The higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn at rest. Just like hot coffee, drinking the best cold brew coffee concentrate contains caffeine, which has been shown to increase your resting metabolic rate by up to 11%. Caffeine appears to boost metabolic rate by increasing how quickly your body burns fat. In a study in 8 men, ingesting caffeine led to a 13% increase in calorie burning, as well as a 2-fold increase in fat burning. These effects were much greater than what they experienced after just taking a placebo or beta-blocker. (medication for blood pressure and circulation). If you're ready to discover how you can drink the best cold brew coffee concentrate to enhance your health and live a longer life. click here.Grass Fed Filet Mignon
Discover How Eating Grass Fed Filet Mignon Can Be A Healthy Way To Eat Your Favorite Steak.
Cattle were meant to graze on grass, preferably within open pastures. As the demand for meat has grown over the past century, farmers started feeding their herds grain-based products, in order to free up valuable land resources necessary to produce forages and other crops by concentrating the cattle in a smaller area. The main difference between grass-fed and grain-fed beef pertains to their diet: in one, the animals are fed grass while they’re alive, in the other, they’re fed grain-based feed. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GRASS-FED, GRASS-FINISHED, AND ORGANIC BEEF There is a lot of confusion surrounding grass-fed beef, mainly because it’s not a USDA-regulated term. On January 12, 2016, the Agricultural Marketing Service, a branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, dropped grass-fed as an official term, leaving things more open to interpretation. THINGS TO KNOW: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GRASS-FED AND GRASS-FINISHED With the removal of the USDA term, almost any beef product could be labeled grass-fed. Most cattle raised by responsible farms graze in open pastures throughout the warmer months. However, it’s not always possible to allow cattle to roam freely in the winter, when the ground is covered by snow. During these colder months, the cattle eat corn-and-soy based feed. But, since they ate grass for part of (or for the vast majority) of the year, they could be labeled grass-fed. In these cases, there is not much of a difference between grain-fed beef raised by a farmer who minds the store, and grass-fed beef. If you are looking for beef that comes from a cow raised totally on grass, look for the “grass-finished” label. These animals graze on grass in the summer and alfalfa in the winter. However, know that this term is also not regulated by the USDA. IS GRASS-FED BEEF ALSO ORGANIC? Brief answer: No. Organic and grass-fed (or grass-finished) are two completely different things. “Organic” is a USDA-regulated term. Farmers need to complete a certification process, which can take up to three years, to use the organic label. Organic foods (such as organic beef) must be produced or raised on a farm that doesn’t use harmful pesticides, genetic engineering (GMOs), or sewer sludge. As it pertains to beef, it is possible to buy organic, grain-fed beef. Cows from an organic farm were fed organic feed (i.e. organic corn- or soy-based products) during their lifetime. Organic animals must living quarters that foster the wellness of the cow. These farms are inspected by a USDA-approved organic-certifying agent. WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN PURCHASING GRASS FED FILET MIGNON BEEF When you’re in the market for grass-fed beef, keep an eye out for products with the stamp of approval by the American Grassfed Association (AGA). The AGA is known to be a most credible, reliable source and guarantees the animals never received antibiotics or hormones and were never fed grains. SO JUST WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF GRASS FED FILET MIGNON BEEF Now that you understand the difference between grass-fed, grass-finished, and grain-fed beef, it’s time to dive into a few key differences. While they come at a ample price point, grass-fed and grass-finished beef have been shown to have a few great benefits, including: #1: GRASS FED FILET MIGNON BEEF HAS LESS CALORIES The average amount of beef consumption in the U.S. is right around 67 pounds, So if you switch to grass-fed beef, It will save you roughly 16,642 calories a year. Beef from grass-fed cattle is lower in total fat content because their diet is more natural and clean. Although it would cost approximately $300 more a year, the amount of calories you can save is mind-boggling. #2: GRASS FED FILET MIGNON BEEF HELPS YOU MAINTAIN HEALTHY BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS Beef from grass-fed cows contains a certain beneficial fatty acid called CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). CLA can help prevent several diseases and conditions like obesity and diabetes. A recent randomized, double-blinded study concluded that 37% of the people who were given CLA demonstrated better insulin sensitivity over those who weren’t given CLA. Insulin sensitivity helps promote healthy blood sugar levels. Consuming grass-fed beef also is in line with following a ketogenic lifestyle, which can improve blood glucose levels if you’re insulin resistant. Utilizing a low carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic prevents a rise in blood glucose, which signals your body to release insulin (and can eventually lead to insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes). #3: GRASS FED FILET MIGNON BEEF HAS ELECTROLYTES One common problem with people on a ketogenic way of life is the keto flu. This usually occurs when electrolytes aren’t replenished once they've been excreted. The three main electrolytes are sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Luckily, grass-fed meat has ample amounts of all three essential electrolytes. One grass-fed strip steak contains 732 milligrams of potassium, 49 milligrams of magnesium, and 118 milligrams of sodium. #4: GRASS FED FILET MIGNON BEEF HELPS FIGHT CANCER Grass-fed beef contains roughly twice the amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) compared to beef from grain-fed cows. Most naturally occurring nutrients containing anticarcinogenic properties are derived from plant foods, but CLA is unique because it’s one of the only anticancer nutrients derived from meat[*]. CLA is considered to be one of the strongest nutrients which can defend against cancer. A study conducted on women who were given high amounts of CLA-rich foods had roughly a 60% lower risk in breast cancer over those who had little to no amounts of CLA in their diet[*]. #5: GRASS FED FILET MIGNON BEEF CONTAINS GREATER AMOUNTS OF HEALTHY FATS Grass fed filet mignon gives you up to six times more omega–3 fatty acids than grain-fed beef. Grain-fed beef, on the other hand, contains higher levels of omega–6 fatty acids, which are already eaten in enormous amounts in most standard American diets. Here are some of the benefits from increased omega–3 consumption:- Alleviates Rheumatoid arthritis: Omega–3s are highly effective in decreasing all markers of inflammation.
- Helps with depression: Researchers have seen an increase in mental wellness by supplementing with omega–3 fatty acids.
- Helps you focus: Recent studies conducted show omega–3s to be a promising alternative to alleviate attention deficit disorders (ADHD) over stimulant drugs.
- Antioxidants such as vitamin E
- Greater amounts of omega–3 fatty acids
- Less unhealthy saturated fat
- Lower amounts of bad cholesterol (known as LDL cholesterol) a marker of cardiovascular disease
- Twice the amount of lutein and beta-carotene compared to grain-fed beef.
- 500–800 mg of CLA, which is up to three times the amount over grain-fed beef.
- Up to 3.5 grams of omega–3 fats in grass fed filet mignon beef (the maximum amount for grain-fed is 1 gram).)
Maine Lobster Tails
Discover How Tasty and Affordable Maine Lobster Tails Can Be
Why Maine Lobster Tails The Lobsters caught off of the rocky coast of Maine come directly from the day boats that are fishing off of the coast and hauled from the bottom of the deep cold Atlantic Ocean and brought to the dock hours later. Here’s a few reasons why Maine Lobsters Tails make a difference. The colder the water, the sweeter and tastier the meats will be, and there will be more meat to the tail as well...The most favorite part of the lobster for many lobster lovers. Next is how big the lobster is, The larger a lobster gets, the less meat in the tail and also can be a little tougher as well. Our Rocky Coast Maine lobsters tails can only be under 5 inches in the body length, which means you are getting the best tasting lobster. Boats are out by 6 in the morning, off-loading by 2 in the afternoon, storing them in lobster tanks overnight, processing, packing, and freezing them the very next day. Rocky Coast Lobsters from Owls Head Maine, there’s the difference!Here are some of the possible benefits of eating Maine Lobster Tails:
Maine Lobster Tails Are high in protein: 1. Lobster high in protein content and is also rich in all essential amino acids — the building blocks of protein. This means that the quality of protein lobster offers may be equal to or better than that of milk, red meat, or soy. Research also suggests that high protein foods may aid or promote weight loss by improving your metabolism and increasing feelings of satiety. Maine Lobster Tails may promote brain and mental health: 2. Maine Lobster Tails contain Omega-3s and vitamin B12, which play an essential role in brain and mental health. For example, DHA is an important part of brain cells and is vital for the function of the cell membrane. Studies have found that omega-3 deficiency may accelerate brain aging. Studies suggest that people who consume diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids have a lower risk of stroke, depression, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Likewise, research suggests that low vitamin B12 levels are associated with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. However, some studies suggest that taking vitamin B12 supplements seems to reduce the risk of dementia by 20% and improve brain function in older adults. Maine Lobster Tails may protect you against cardiovascular disease: 3. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. To help keep this from happening, public health initiatives recommend regularly eating seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have repeatedly shown that long-chain omega-3s, such as EPA and DHA, have protective effects against heart disease. Seafood such as Lobster can provide you with high amounts of both. Studies also suggest that eating foods such as Lobster may lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Foods containing adequate levels of EPA and DHA may also reduce inflammation and help prevent atherosclerosis, or the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which is a risk factor for stroke. One 2008 study found that intakes of 566 mg per day of EPA and DHA may reduce heart disease risk by 37%. In a 2010 study, participants took up to 234 mg of EPA and DHA per day, and the researchers reported that for participants who took the highest amounts, the risk of heart disease decreased by 49% and the risk of heart attack-related deaths decreased by 62% Maine Lobster Tails may help you from getting cancer: 4. Omega-3s and selenium may give lobster cancer-fighting effects. Research suggests that diets rich in EPA, DHA, and selenium may have a protective effect against several types of cancer, including breast, colorectal, prostate, lung, gastric, liver, and ovarian cancers. Test tube and animal studies have found that the anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects of omega-3s have reduced tumor growth and spread and led to cancer cell death However, additional research with human subjects is needed. Furthermore, DHA seems to improve the effect of cisplatin — a common chemotherapy drug — on tumor spread and death. It may also be beneficial in reducing drug-induced side effects. Research also suggests that selenium’s antioxidant properties may play a role in its potential anticancer effects. Studies have shown that selenium may promote tumor death and help prevent cancer from spreading. Lobster’s high selenium content may be beneficial for people with autoimmune thyroid diseases, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Selenium may also help boost immunity, since the nutrient is involved in biological processes that ensure normal cellular function necessary for a healthy immune response. So, if you're ready to try out succulent, fresh ,Maine Lobster Tails online today and open up a new world of seafood dinners for you and your family, with prices you can afford, delivered right to your doorstep, Click here now.Organic Pork Chops
Enjoy Healthy Organic Pork Chops
Why Eat Organic Pork Chops? Studies show that eating organic pork chops is beneficial for humans and the planet as well. When you consume organic pork chops, you're making a difference, because conventional meat production methods(i.e. grain fed) can have declining effects on human health, animal well-being, and the environment. There is a long list of studies that support that organic animal meat production is both eco-friendly and healthier for people. Choosing organic pork chops at the grocery store has an added value when it comes to supporting sustainable production, because you are not only ensuring that the animals are raised without synthetic chemicals and have high welfare standards, but also that all the food that animals eat comes from organic sources that support soil health and biodiversity. This is just a general overview of what scientific literature shows as to the differences in the way organic pork chops is produced, and why those differences are important for the health of the animals, the health and safety of consumers, the health of the soil and the impacts on climate change. Organic meat production methods also strive to continually improve the nutritional value of organic meat, while simultaneously reducing exposure to antibiotics, growth hormones, and pesticides. There is also increasing evidence that organic meat production has fewer negative effects on the off-farm environment and can help cut down on the impact climate change has by storing more carbon in the open pasture, which will in turn offset greenhouse gas emissions. Below are some of the benefits of eating organic meat: What are Some of the Benefits of Eating Organic Meat? Adding organic pork chops to your diet offers many wonderful benefits that you might want to look into, such as: 1. Organic pork chops has more flavor. With healthy soil comes a healthier, more delicious product. The same goes for organically produced beef. The chemicals found in soil for conventional meat is filled with growth-enhancing chemicals that eliminates minerals and vitamins. Organic meat is filled with nutrients. This is why it has a delicious flavor. 2. Organic Pork Chops are not Injected with Antibiotics and other hormones. It’s customary conventionally raised animals to be injected with antibiotics and other hormones, because this increases the animal’s size, so that it provides more meat. This helps increase profits for the farmer, but it comes at a price. The consumer ends up coming up on the short end of the stick as far their health is concerned. Unfortunately, some consumers don’t know this. If they did, I believe you would see more people trying to eat more organic meat. What happens when you ingest a lot of antibiotics? Your immune system will be compromised and you'll lose the ability to ward off disease. A compromised immune system may leave you more vulnerable to coming down with serious illnesses. 3. Can Help you From Getting Alzheimer’s Disease: Medical research shows that some herbicides and pesticides found in conventional meat may be connected to Alzheimer’s disease. The studies also indicate that these harmful substances may be linked to birth defects. 4. Organic Pork Chops Has More Nutrients: Studies show that organic meat contain about 50 percent more omega-3 fatty acids. The increase is the result of animals foraging on grasses rich in omega-3s, which then end up in dairy and meats.. It also has more antioxidants. According to a study in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, organic beef in the EU can have higher antioxidant levels, with 34% more Q10 and 72% more taurine depending upon the beef cut, and 53% more β‐carotene than conventional beef. Organic beef is especially beneficial when it came to heart-healthy α‐linolenic acid, with 170% higher levels than non-organic beef. Finally, the researchers found that organic beef had 24% more α‐tocopherol, which is a type of Vitamin E. 5. You Will Help Improve the Environment By buying organically produced meat products, you are also supporting the environment. Buying meat from organic farms lowers the degradation and pollution that’s harming our soil. Organic meat production also uses less energy-intensive inputs. Because organically produced meat requires more time on pasture. that can help mitigate climate change, because pasturing ruminant animals helps store carbon in the soil and growing feed without the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, which is a factor in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy use. If you're looking to improve your health and help out the environment, click here to learn more.Organic Salmon
How To Enhance Your Health With Healthy Organic Salmon
Discover How Organic Salmon Can Improve Your Health
There are many ways eating organic salmon can enhance your life, In fact eating organic salmon on a regular basis has been associated with lowering depression levels, your chances of contracting an autoimmune disease and mitigating the symptoms of PMS. Now that's just for starters, here's other health benefits that eating organic salmon will bring:- Revs up your metabolism to facilitate weight loss
- Treats liver disease
- Improves brain health, increases your focus and may slow down the onset of onset of Alzheimer’s disease
- Lowers risk of heart attacks and strokes
- Protects against type 2 diabetes
- Improves sleep quality and prevents insomnia
- Boosts skin health and can alleviate acne symptoms
- Provides critical nutrients for development and growth
- Reduces blood pressure and lowers cholesterol and safeguards your cardiovascular health
- Eases the pain and discomfort of rheumatoid arthritis
- Improves vision and eye health
- Helps to prevent cancer
- Helps reduce asthma in children
Peet’s Coffee – Decaf Coffee
INTRODUCING PEET’S WATER PROCESS DECAFS Established in 1966, Peet’s, has always felt strongly that their decaffeinated coffees should be every bit as enjoyable as their regular, caffeinated coffees. Their customers agree and turn to them again and again for their uncompromising quality and taste. Peet’s does decaf a little differently than others, and the result is that Peet’s decaf coffees—whether in a bag, a K-Cup® pod, or your favorite coffee bar beverage—have so much richness and depth, they taste as good as the real thing. And all of these are decaffeinated using the water process decaffeination method. So How Are Peet’s Decaf Coffees Different? The key difference in Peet’s decafs is that they use the same meticulously selected, high-quality beans they use in their regular coffees, not stock decaf beans from decaffeination companies. No fillers, blenders, or shortcuts. They then skillfully roast them by hand to their exacting high standards. Not all companies use the same selectivity for their decafs as for their regular coffees. They do, which is why the taste of Peet’s decafs is so yummy. What Is Water Process Decaffeination? Water Process is a natural decaffeination method that uses water rather than solvents to gently remove caffeine from raw green coffee beans while maintaining the beans’ distinctive flavor profile. How Does Water Process Decaffeination Work? The water process decaffeination occurs in 3 stages: (1). Peet's Water Process Decafs - Water Process Decaffeination, The decaffeinator prepares a solution from pure hot water and unroasted coffee beans, then filters the caffeine out of that solution. (2). A batch of raw green coffee beans selected and supplied by Peet’s are soaked in the solution. The caffeine flows out, leaving the flavor intact. (3). The beans—full of flavor, not caffeine—are then dried and ready for careful hand roasting at Peet’s Roastery in Alameda, CA. Are All Water Process Decafs Swiss Water Process? Swiss Water is a brand name. Peet’s uses several expert water process decaffeination companies; Swiss Water is one of them and happens to be located in Canada. If you're ready to put the taste to the test and still might be a tad skeptical, but would like to brew some of their decafs for yourself and savor how delicious they really are, CLICK HERE NOW!RUTINI APARTADO GRAN MALBEC 2015
Discover How Red Wine Could Be a Healthy Addition To Your Evening Meal.
Why Red Wine? Wine has been part of social, religious, and cultural events for hundreds of years. Medieval monasteries believed that their monks lived longer lives in part to their regular, moderate imbibing of wine. Researchers have studied wine — especially red wine — extensively for its possible health benefits. Health Benefits Of Red Wine, Drinking wine in moderation has positive ties with:- cardiovascular disease
- atherosclerosis
- hypertension
- certain types of cancer
- type 2 diabetes
- neurological disorders
- metabolic syndrome
- glaucoma
- cataracts
- diabetic retinopathy
- macular degeneration
- heart problems
- stroke
- fatty liver disease
- liver damage
- mental health conditions
- certain cancers
- pancreatitis
- People may also experience alcohol poisoning and alcohol use disorder. Heavy drinking is particularly harmful to health.