Pelvic Pro

How To Brace Yourself For Life With The Useful Pelvic Pro

How many of you out there played sports got hurt but wanted to continue with your favorite sport. Enter the brace, whether its for your ankle, knee ,shin, back ,elbow, wrist or shoulder ,I’ve used all the various braces for all of my body parts, between bodybuilding, powerlifting, basketball, cycling, and long distance running I’ve used them all, also for work.

These sure can come in handy If you’re trying to heal yourself after incurring an injury and It could help you heal faster while offering support to the injured area. A knee brace for example can help you retain proper body alignment and posture.

It can also help you retain knee joint strength, while providing compression to the area of weakness and help keep healthy blood flow. I have used one on my left knee as a tool in managing the discomfort of knee osteoarthritis. A brace might help reduce pain by shifting your weight off the most damaged portion of your knee.

There’s another type of support brace called the BraceAbility Pelvic Pro. The Pelvic Pro is basically a patented prolapsed uterus support belt and is used for women who suffer from:

  • Dropped Bladder,
  • Uterine Prolapse,
  • Vulvar Varicosities,
  • Postpartum 
  • Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (S)

Wearing a brace can improve your ability to get around and help you walk further comfortably. To discover how an appropriate brace can enhance the quality of your life, Click Here.
