Physicians Choice Probiotics 60 Billion CFU
Learn How to Get Proven Digestive Gut Health With Physicians Choice
Why Physicians Choice?
(1). Ingredient Accuracy – Physicians Choice Probiotics 60 Billion CFU actually contains 60 Billion Cfus per serving. Other brands say they have it, but beware of the deception. Some products say “equivalent to” or do not state an amount of Cfus.
(2). Made With Probiotics and Organic Prebiotics – These probiotics are made with prebiotics and probiotics based on clinical research. A comprehensive probiotic supplement for ultimate digestive health.
(3). Made with 10 probiotic strains & Non-Gmo ingredients – Shelf-stable vegan probiotics with No: unnecessary binders, soy, gluten, milk, egg, wheat, peanuts, shellfish or preservatives.
(4). Naturally Inspired Probiotic Supplement – Contains 10 strains plus a Patented Shelf-Stable bottle which ensures product stability. These probiotics contain a natural organic prebiotic fiber blend which will help to support the stomach’s digestive environment and support the natural stomach balance.
(5). Awesome For Gut Health – Proven formula for gas relief, bloating relief, constipation, digestive health and intestinal health.
(6). Great Probiotic Product For Adults – Our prebiotics and probiotics are effective and intended for use by adults.
(7). Contains All Of The Important Bacteria Strains – Including: Acidophilus probiotic with prebiotic including 10 strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
(8). Safety Assured Standard of Quality – Physicians Choice Probiotics 60 Billion CfU Product is 3rd-party tested for purity and potency. Each bottle is manufactured in the USA using imported and domestic ingredients. These awesome probiotics are made for women and men. They contain 60 Billion Cfus at the time of manufacturing, more than the usual 50 Billion Cfu, plus the standard organic prebiotic blend!
How Does It Work?
- A probiotic can only work if it is capable of surviving the austere stomach environment. If you have selected a strain that is proven to reach the gut alive, help it out by taking it in the morning with your breakfast.
- The probiotic will take up short term residence in either the small or large intestine depending on the conditions in these environments.
- Once it’s localized the probiotics can ‘crowd out’ any ‘bad’ bacteria by competing for their food sources and space.
- Probiotics will also provide certain vitamins and short chain fatty acids which are known to be beneficial for your health.
- Depending on the specific strain chosen, changes to the gut can be noted from as little as 3 days.
Scientifically Backed Ingredients
Physicians Choice probiotics 60 Billion CFU contains a diverse blend of ten heavily researched probiotic strains with more CFUs than your average probiotic. Each strain is hand-selected and doctor-approved for optimal digestive support.
What’s In It?
Ten strains of extensively researched probiotics, including L. casei, L. acidophilus, L. paracasei, L. salvarius, L. plantarum, L. bulgaricus, B. lactis, B. bifidum, B. longum, and B. breve.
What Are The Benefits of Physicians Choice 60 Billion CFU?
- Contains over 10 Proven Strains of the most clinically researched probiotic strains demonstrated to support comprehensive gut health.
- Each probiotic capsule is coated in an acid-resistant, delayed-release shell to ensure microorganisms survive the journey to the gut.
- Patented shelf-stable bottles provide an added layer of protection to eliminate the need for refrigeration and ensure the longevity of your probiotics.
- Organic prebiotic blend to support overall digestive health
Probiotics are defined as microorganisms that provide benefits to their host. Humans rely on resident microorganisms, including probiotics, to keep our bodies healthy and functioning properly, but diet and other factors can alter our healthy bacteria1*.
Probiotics for Overall Stomach Health
Research strongly supports the benefits of probiotics for the digestive system, including evidence that these healthy bacteria improve symptoms associated with several intestinal conditions1*
Immune Support
While we think of our digestive system mainly for its role in processing food and getting us the nutrients that we need, it is also one of the most active components of our immune system. Data suggest that probiotic bacteria directly and indirectly enhance a protective immune response.
Nutrient Absorption
Probiotics have also been shown to have an important impact on the absorption, use, and storage of energy from the food we consume, including the generation of beneficial short-chain fatty acids that promote weight regulation.
Surviving the Gut: The Probiotic Journey
Since probiotics must make it through the stomach to be effective, the beneficial properties of a probiotic product depend on its survival in a harsh, acidic environment.
Physician’s Choice delayed-release capsules are acid-resistant, offering a critical layer of protection to keep the probiotic organisms viable on their journey to the intestines. To learn more click here.
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28 Day Keto Challenge
Discover How The 28 Day Keto Challenge And Eating Foods You Already Love Can Make You Healthy And Help You With Weight Loss.
What Is The Keto Diet (28 day Keto challenge) Anyway? The keto diet (28 day keto challenge) is an eating strategy with a primary focus on foods with plenty health fats, some protein and just a little carbs. The object here is to get your bulk of calories from fats, with little to no carbs. The basic premise here is that when your body is depleted from its carbs(sugar reserves)it will have no choice but to use its fat reserves for energy. Now that your body is starting to break down fat for energy it will start producing molecules called ketones, and is what your body will use as fuel. When your body starts burning fat, it can help you lose weight. Below are some of the benefits of a Keto Diet (28 day keto challenge). 1. It Can Help Support Weight Loss The ketogenic diet (28 day keto challenge) may help promote weight loss in several ways, including boosting metabolism and reducing appetite. Ketogenic diets consist of foods that fill a person up and may reduce hunger-stimulating hormones(Insulin) For these reasons, following a keto diet may reduce appetite and help you loss weight. In a 2013 meta-analysis of 13 different randomized controlled trials, researchers found that people on ketogenic diets lost 2 pounds (lbs) more than those following low fat diets over a one year period. Similarly, another review of 11 studies demonstrated that people following a ketogenic diet lost 5 lbs more than those following low-fat diets after 6 months. Can Improve Your Acne Acne has several various causes and may me connected to diet and blood sugar in some people Eating a diet rich in processed and refined carbohydrates may change the chemistry of gut bacteria and cause your blood sugar levels to rise and fall significantly, both of which can adversely affect skin health. According to a 2012 study, by decreasing carb intake, a ketogenic diet could reduce acne symptoms in some people. May reduce risk of certain cancers Researchers have examined the effects of the ketogenic diet (28 day keto challenge) in helping prevent or even treat certain cancers. One study found that the ketogenic diet (28 day keto challenge) could be a safe and suitable treatment to use alongside chemotherapy and radiation therapy in people with certain types of cancers. This is because it would cause more oxidative stress in cancer cells than in normal cells, causing them to die. A more recent study from 2018 suggests that because the ketogenic diet (28 day keto challenge) can cut down on your blood sugar, it could also lower the risk of insulin complications. Insulin is a hormone that controls blood sugar that may have be connected to certain types of cancers. It is important to bear in mind that you should focus on healthy fats (i.e. Avocados, Nuts, Olive oil, etc.)and not bacon and sausages. May Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels A 2017 review of studies of animals and humans on a keto diet (28 day keto challenge). showed that some people experienced a substantial decrease in levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol, and triglycerides, and an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good” cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. A keto diet’s reducing effect on cholesterol may, therefore, reduce a person’s risk of heart related problems. Any dietary benefits in regards to your heart health will be in direct proportion to how healthy your diet is. Can Potentially Reduces Seizures The Epilepsy Foundation suggest that ketosis(The condition that the Keto Diet produces) can reduce seizures in people with epilepsy — especially those who have not responded to other treatment modalities. More research is necessary on how effective this is, though it seems to have the most effect on children who have focal seizures. There is some studies that support the hypothesis that a keto diet can support people with epilepsy. The ketogenic diet may reduce epilepsy symptoms by several different pathways. Can Improve PCOS symptoms Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that can lead to excess male hormones, ovulatory dysfunction, and polycystic ovaries. A diet high in carbohydrates can cause negative side effects in people with PCOS, such as skin problems and weight gain. While there aren't many studies on the ketogenic diet and PCOS. One pilot study from Trusted Source examined five women over 24 weeks. The researchers found that a ketogenic diet improved several markers of PCOS, including:- Weight loss
- Hormone balance
- Ratios of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
- levels of fasting insulin
H. Pylori Fight
H. Pylori Fight Is A Natural Alternative To Fight Helicobacter Pylori Infections.
What is the H. Pylori Fight Supplement anyway? H. Pylori Fight is a probiotic supplement that supports gut health. Not only that, but this particular H pylori fight supplement is especially useful for combating Helicobacter pylori infections. What is the Helicobacter pylori infection? H. pylori is a resilient bacteria strain that can be hard to eliminate. It may respond poorly to antibiotics, the only conventional medicine option available, due to its increased resistance to it. It is responsible for cases of heartburn, gastritis and gastric ulcers, which can be very serious. Gut flora, or intestinal microbiota, is basically a collection of microorganisms that live in your intestines and stomach. While they play an vital role in the body’s digestion and defenses, some of these microorganisms, such as helicobacter pylori, may also be responsible for your persistent health issues. This bacterium lives exclusively in the human stomach and is the only known bacteria able to survive and grow in such an acid rich environment. As much as 80 percent of all gastro-duodenal ulcers are caused by H. pylori infections, although in most cases — 70–80 percent — the infection is asymptomatic. Over the long term, however, it induces a range of symptoms, such as fatigue and chronic gastric discomfort, as well as constant inflammation of the stomach and other serious long-term conditions. In other words, helicobacter pylori infections should be taken seriously in order to avoid developing more harmful health conditions in the future. Migraines, cardiovascular problems and immune system conditions have also been linked to helicobacter pylori infections. It is clearly a serious problem, given that 25% of Western populations are believed to have it. How can you tell if you have been infected by Helicobacter pylori? According to the Mayo Clinic, people infected with H. pylori infections might not even know it. When symptoms are present, they may include:- Burning or aching in the abdomen
- Abdominal pain that gets worse when it’s time to eat
- Appetite loss
- Nausea
- Frequent burping
- Unintended weight loss
- Bloating
- Trouble swallowing
- Chronic abdominal pain
- Black tarry or bloody stool
- Bloody vomit
- Black vomit that appears like coffee grounds
Hallelujah Acres and Nutritional Supplements
- Fresh vegetable juices
- Dairy alternatives like almond milk and banana milk
- Organic fresh or dried fruit, though this is limited to 15 percent of daily intake
- Uncooked whole grains, such as soaked oats and ground flax seed
- Raw beans and peas
- Raw nuts and seeds, eaten sparingly because of their high calorie count
- Oils, including extra-virgin olive oil and flax oil
- Fresh herbs and seasonings
- Raw vegetables
- Stewed fruit
- Whole-grain breads, cereals, and pastas
- Cooked beans
- Homemade vegan soups
- Steamed or stir-fried vegetables
- Herbal teas
- Non-dairy cheeses and milks
You Can Now Support The Health Of Your Digestive System With Synogut, An 100% All- Natural, Nutritional Supplement, No Matter What Your Age Is
What Is All The Fuss About This Awesome Supplement Anyway? SynoGut is a dietary nutritional supplement that claims to support gut health in multiple ways. This dietary supplement is marketed to people who frequently deal with constipation, bloating, gut discomfort, and other problems. By taking two capsules of SynoGut daily, you can purportedly support a healthy digestive system. Does this really work for your gut health? The supplement was created by a man named Samuel Bart. Samuel used to suffer from severe digestive problems. He frequently experienced serious constipation and uncomfortable bloating, so he started researching natural gut health solutions, and he stumbled upon the formula used in SynoGut. Today, according to, anyone can use this to support a healthy digestive system. The supplement contains ingredients like bentonite clay, psyllium, and other fiber sources. It also contains natural laxatives, probiotics, and more. How Does This Work For Your Gut Health? this works using many of the same ingredients found in various other digestive health supplements. Just two capsules a day of this dietary supplement is loaded with fiber, natural laxatives, and probiotics. Here are the three basic categories of ingredients in this unique formula and what makes them tick: (1). Fiber: Fiber is the main ingredient within SynoGut. A substantial part of the 1.5g proprietary blend consists of fiber. SynoGut gets its fiber from natural sources, including plant extracts. The supplement contains psyllium husk, black walnut hull extract, oat bran, flaxseed, apple pectin, and glucomannan root, all of which are popular natural sources of fiber. Many people take these ingredients daily to help support their digestive health. (2). All-Natural Laxatives: SynoGut also contains three ingredients that work as natural laxatives or detoxification aids. Aloe Vera and prune extract, for example, have been used for centuries as natural laxatives. They aid your digestive system function more efficiently and quickly. If you are constipated, all-natural laxatives like Aloe Vera and prune extract may help. (3). Powerful Detoxification Aids: This amazing formula contains one detoxification aid: bentonite clay. Commonly found in detox formulas and similar supplements, bentonite clay has been used for centuries to help the body’s natural detoxification processes. Your body is loaded with toxic substances from the food you eat, the air you breathe, and the water you drink. A lot of people take detox supplements daily to help better support their own particular detoxification processes. The bentonite clay in this amazing formula has a special chemical structure that latches onto toxic chemicals within your body, which helps your body to safely eliminate them. (4). Probiotics: This awesome formula contains one probiotic strain: Lactobacillus acidophilus. It’s one of the more popular probiotic strains available today. Many people take a probiotic supplement daily to support gut health, digestion, and nutrient absorption. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in your gut. Your body needs these bacteria to break down the foods you eat, extract nutrients, and support digestion in various ways. If you experience regular bloating, constipation, or other issues, then it’s possible a probiotic like L. acidophilus can help. (50. Prebiotics: SynoGut contains plenty of sources of fiber. However, not all fiber is made equal. Many of the fiber-based ingredients within SynoGut are classified as prebiotics, which means they feed the probiotic bacteria in your gut. Your probiotic bacteria need prebiotic ingredients to survive and thrive. By giving your gut the prebiotics it needs to support digestion and probiotic health, you can get help with digestion in multiple ways. So, If you're ready to try a supplement, effectively mixed with the right ingredients in the exact amounts keeping their properties intact and will support your digestive health and change your life ,CLICK HERE NOW!The 30-Day Ultra Fast Keto Challenge
Now, You Will Finally Discover What Exactly You Need To Eat To Lose Fat And Get Healthy Without Giving Up The Foods You Like Or Starving Yourself, With The 30-Day Ultra Fast Keto Challenge!
THE KETOGENIC DIET What Is It Anyway? “Ketogenic” is a term for a low-carb diet (similar to the Atkins diet). The idea is for you to get more calories from protein and fat and less from carbohydrates. You cut back mostly on the carbs that are easy to digest, like soda, pastries, white bread, pasta, and sugar. How Does It Work? When you eat less than 50 grams of carbs a day, your body eventually runs out of fuel (blood sugar) it can use quickly. This typically takes 3 to 4 days. Then you’ll start to break down protein and fat for energy, which can make you lose weight. This is called ketosis. It's important to note that the ketogenic diet is a short term diet that's focused on weight loss rather than the pursuit of health benefits. Who Uses It? People who utilize a ketogenic diet most often do it for weight loss, but it can help with certain medical conditions, like epilepsy, too. It also may help people with heart disease, certain brain diseases, and even acne, but there needs to be more research in those areas. Talk with your doctor first to find out if it’s safe for you to try a ketogenic diet, especially if you have type 1 diabetes. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? Are you that fat, out-of-shape, binge-eater who can't stop roaming around the kitchen at night hunting for delicious food? Does the thought of not being able to eat your favorite meal and starving yourself really bug you? If you are seriously willing to get rid of ugly fat for good, and want to transform your body and overall health and well-being while eating your favorite foods or without starving yourself, this diet is for you! THIS IS THE STORY OF THE WOMAN WHO USED TO SUFFER FROM BEING OVERWEIGHT! All her life, she dreamed of being skinny and smart. The questioning eyes of the world around her and the extra pounds she had, made her exhausted, miserable, upset, and very sad. She tried many Diets, random meal plans, followed recipes to lose weight. Though none of those worked for her, but it made her pretty much frustrated. Things were getting worse for her. She was tipping the scale at 200 pounds, which was alarmingly unhealthy. Emotionally, she was depressed. This was not her desired result of the constant adversities of trying to lose weight. However, she was unknowingly doing the same diet no-nos that most people are guilty of doing. She managed to drop 51 pounds and 8 dress sizes, which left her barely recognizable to her friends and family and even to herself. And cellulite vanished from her hips, stomach, belly, underarms, and thighs. She was totally ecstatic and couldn’t stop looking at herself in the mirror. She changed her life and totally transformed with a new lean body. TO ALL YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT Are You Making These Four Common Diet Mistakes Hinder Your Health And Hamper Fat Loss? (Mistake #1) YOU ARE NOT IN A CALORIC DEFICIENCY! Losing weight and getting into an ideal body shape is entirely depends upon the types of food you eat and how much of it you eat. If you want to shed the pounds on your scale and extra inches around your whole body, Your primary focus should be on creating a caloric deficit. It is quite simple. If you eat more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight. Similarly, if you eat less than you burn, you’ll lose weight. DON'T TRY TO FOOL YOURSELF It's common to believe that you are in a calorie deficit, but in fact, you're not. Most people make this mistake while struggling to lose weight and claim they do not eat many calories. This makes it difficult to create a calorie deficit and makes fat loss impossible for you. If you want to get rid of excess body fat, you must stay in a calorie deficit, and the amount you are sure about is of major importance to you. (Mistake #2) SKIPPING MEALS AND/OR BEING IN A SEVERE CALORIC DEFICIT! If an energy deficit of 400 calories per day will make you skinnier, what do you think about a 1200 calorie deficit a day? Will that give you the result three times faster? Wrong! Many people make this mistake. The truth is, severe calorie restriction and skipping meals would put your body into a survival mode and can completely mess up with your physiology. This is why people recoup all their lost weight easily when they stop restriction. And most often gain some more fat than before. The thing is, as soon as you start starving yourself, your body thinks that there is not enough food available. When you finally eat something, your body will begin storing as much fat as possible to get ready for the next starvation and prevent you from losing fat and dying of hunger. "I should skip my dinner tonight so that I can get skinnier" is not the right way to get lean. If you avoid food while being hungry, you are missing a healthy fat loss strategy because skipping your meals and severe calorie deficit makes it much more difficult to lose weight. So, It's crucial to set your calorie goal that's perfect for your body, your condition, and your dream figure. (Mistake #3) IGNORING YOUR MACROS! When you are trying to lose weight, you are striving to improve your health and look better. But here is the deal, if you want to look and feel better, you should not strive to lose weight. Instead, you should set your goals on losing excess fat. Now, when you try to lose fat with calorie deficit and balance, It is also crucial to consider your daily macro intake. How much protein, carbs, and fat you consume every day. If you consume more carbs in your diet, it would be incredibly difficult to lose fat, even if you are in a calorie deficit. That's because carbs immediately spike insulin. Insulin is called the "fat-storage hormone" for a reason. Elevated insulin levels not only prevent the release of fat from fat cells but also cause your body to store all the energy found in your bloodstream right into the fat cells. And if your cells don’t release fat, you can never burn it off. That’s why carb-rich foods make it impossible to lose fat. (Mistake #4) FOLLOWING A DIET THAT IS UNREALISTIC! An overly restrictive diet is never a good idea. It builds up your hankerings for food, undermines your willpower, and results in binge-eating sessions that defeats the whole purpose of you going on a diet in the first place. Understand that working out with the intent of losing bodyfat is a hard enough task as it is. You don’t want to make it harder on yourself by trying to follow kooky and totally needless dietary restraints. Doing so will impede your body’s metabolism and fat-burning potentialities, which will make shedding fat more difficult for you in the long run. ENTER THE 30-DAY ULTRA FAST KETO CHALLENGE After careful collaboration with top nutritionists, dieticians, and chefs, Now there's a dietary plan which has been created, whose target has finally been met with the magic that most people may have been looking for, but has eluded them until now. And when it comes to “key for keto,” this is not the cliché collection of some random recipes collected through the internet. This is the “tried and tested” result of someone "Putting their Nose to the Grindstone" and "Gutting it Out" type of work. The 30-day ultra-fast keto challenge is specially customized for you to take care of all your cravings and health. Moreover, what's better than finally being able to fit into your favorite jeans? What The Keto Diet Actually Is? You might have heard how the keto diet helped millions of people in improving their health and transforming their body like magic. But in case you don’t know, here is a short overview. A keto diet is an eating style where you replace your carbohydrate intake with fat and consume less carb, moderate protein, and high dietary fats. So, you'll be enjoying delicious high-fat meals like T-Bone steak, Bacon, Meatloaf, and much more... SO,IN A NUTSHELL AND TO RECAP,WHAT DOES THE KETO DIET DO? Well, the depletion of carbohydrates puts you into a state called “ketosis.” Your body doesn’t have much access to glucose. Glucose comes primarily from carbs and is a best energy source for the brain and body. Therefore it's preferred whenever present. When glucose levels fall, your body needs another energy source for all its daily functions. And because your brain does not use fat as fuel, that's where ketones come in. Ketones are the chemicals produced in your liver in the absence of glucose, which gives your brain the power to use fat for fuel. That's an excellent result. Otherwise, your whole body would fall to pieces. When your brain uses ketones and fatty acids as primary fuel rather than glucose, you are in “ketosis,” which is “fat-burning mode.” At this point, your body’s metabolism starts burning fat for energy—this energy source fuels up your body. You’re no longer burning glucose. You are burning fat. This is crucial because, KETOSIS OFFERS YOU A MULTITUDE OF HEALTH BENEFITS! The keto diet is a complete package deal to shed the unhealthy weight and drop the pounds fast without any health hazards while keeping you healthy and happy. Here are the top six reasons why the keto diet is top-rated for fat loss. (Reason #1) YOU'LL BURN FAT ALOT FASTER! The presence of high levels of insulin makes it hard to burn fat. Elevated levels of this hormone store all the energy found in your bloodstream right into your fat cells. However, on a keto diet, insulin levels decline, which enables the body to be better able to burn stored fat, which will enhance your health. (Reason #2) YOU WON'T OVERINDULGE ON FOOD AS MUCH! Your body can never fight weight loss if you keep adding more and more food to your plate. This is the reason people regain all that lost weight because they cannot control their ability to eat food. Unlike other weight-loss diets, the keto diet helps to keep your hunger pangs under control by replacing them with high-fat meals. When you go keto, you don’t get hungry and feel the need to hang out near the kitchen all day. That’s why this style of eating is excellent for fat loss. This is more like killing your hunger with strategies by supplying ample and suitable meals to fulfill your cravings. You will not gain any more weight and you will finally achieve your dream figure. (Reason #3) YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT WHETHER YOU WORKOUT OR NOT! You don't have to work-out while being on a keto diet because your body is already reducing your fat levels by having to use them as an energy source. That's the beauty of being in the state of ketosis, The pounds will definitely come off, whether you're active or not. (Reason #4) YOU'LL GET LOTS OF GOOD FOOD WITH AN EASY TO FOLLOW REGIMEN The best thing about the keto diet is that it is full of nutrition, simple, and very easy to follow. You will enjoy and love being able to eat high-fat foods like bacon, eggs, burgers, steaks, and cheese. Reason #5 YOU'LL START LOSING WEIGHT JUST LIKE CLOCKWORK Right after you begin your customized keto meal plan, you'll start to lose fat automatically. You don't even have to think about what you should be eating next. In fact, since you'll never be hungry while following this diet, you would probably forget you were on a diet if you weren't losing fat so fast. (Reason #6 YOU'LL HAVE ACCESS TO A HEALTHY AND USER FRIENDLY DIETARY REGIMEN The keto diet is not just a holistic approach to fat loss; it’s also an extremely healthy diet that enhances your overall health. At first, the keto diet was primarily used as a way to help people with seizures. Over time, experts applied the benefits to several other health conditions, including:- Cognitive and memory improvement
- Type 2 diabetes
- Cancer such as glioblastoma
- Psychiatric disorders
- Alzheimer's disease
- Autism
- Obesity
- Increasing your levels of HDL or "good cholesterol"
- Reducing your blood pressure
- Reducing your risk for heart disease
The Longevity Diet
Eat Healthier, Live Longer, Learn More.
What Is The Longevity Diet Anyway? The longevity diet is basically a set of guidelines for healthy eating developed by biochemist Valter Longo, Ph.D., director of the USC Longevity Institute at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, and was created to help people live longer, healthier lives. The longevity diet recommends following a plant-based diet that includes little-to-no meat and poultry and some periodic fasting. Although primarily made for older people, younger people also can reap health benefits. In a journal published in October 2016.JAMA Internal Medicine, assessed the dietary habits and health of more than 130,000 healthcare professionals. It found that "high animal protein intake was definitely linked to cardiovascular death rate and high plant protein intake increased the chances of you living longer, especially with individuals with at least one or more risk factors for heart disease. Dr. Longo's research also uncovered substantial benefits of fasting-mimicking diets (similar to intermittent fasting)—specifically that such diets improve factors that have a significant impact on health, particularly as people age, including body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The longevity diet closely resembles a modified vegan diet in which certain seafood and small amounts of meat and dairy are allowed. It is as much a healthy lifestyle as an eating plan and can be followed for as long as you want it to, indefinite amount of time. The recommendations include following a five-day fasting-mimicking dietary program periodically throughout the year. Protein Limitations: For people under age 65,the longevity diet recommends limiting protein intake to between 0.31 grams to 0.36 grams per pound of body weight. Seniors older than age 65 may eat slightly more than that, including animal protein, in order to help preserve muscle mass. Dietary Restrictions: Just about anyone can safely follow the food recommendations of the longevity diet, with the exception of those who might be sensitive or allergic to nuts or any other food category that would produce negative reactions. However, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, as well as people who have diabetes, should not do the fasting part of the plan. Mediterranean Diet Is The Standard: When it comes to living a long and healthy life, it's your eating habits that is important. The Mediterranean diet basically espouses high intake of fruits and vegetables; whole grains; healthful fats from nuts, olive oil, and avocado; and herbs and spices, along with seafood a few times a week; a moderate consumption of dairy, eggs, and wine; and a limited consumption of meat and sweets. This Diet closely resembles the Longevity Diet. The longevity diet is more a groundwork that incorporates healthy eating habits for lifelong health as opposed to a calorie restrictive weight loss regimen. By focusing on plant-based foods, it has built-in nutritional advantages as vegetables, beans, legumes, and nuts are rich in a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients. When prepared in healthy ways, these foods also are lower in artery-clogging fat and cholesterol and calories than the meats, poultry, and dairy products the guidelines advise limiting or, better yet, eliminating altogether. Although it may seem like a hard thing to do at first(The fasting-mimicking diet for five days part)You only have to do it just a few times a year and considering what's at stake (Your health and quality of life)It's a small sacrifice to make. If you want to live as long as possible while following a healthy dietary regimen look no further. To learn more Click Here.The Smoothie Diet
Discover How to Lose Weight With The Smoothie Diet.
Now, you can lose weight while drinking something that's healthy for you!
We all know that having smoothies are an excellent way of reducing your general caloric intake, help you cut down on your sugar and fat consumption and contains healthy levels of fibers, antioxidants, proteins, minerals, and vitamins with nearly zero fat content. Hence, smoothies can significantly enhance your weight loss efforts. Introducing The Smoothie Diet This healthy diet is an innovative digital program that helps users cut down on fat and sugar consumption. The program teaches how people can replace their solid foods with natural, high-quality smoothies. This plan promises users remarkable weight loss in less than three weeks. The creator of this amazing diet, Mr. Drew, is a respected nutritionist and health coach. Features of this amazing diet The goal of the smoothie diet is to make nutrition as easy as possible for people who desire to lose weight. Here are the key benefits of the smoothie diet:- It will help you lose weight and shed extra fat from your body.
- It can greatly reduce your chances of adopting unhealthy eating habits.
- It reduces your chances of getting chronic diseases.
- It is a great way of improving your hair and skin health, and also your overall health in general.