Physicians Choice Probiotics 60 Billion CFU


Learn How to Get Proven Digestive Gut Health With Physicians Choice

Why Physicians Choice?

(1). Ingredient Accuracy – Physicians Choice Probiotics 60 Billion CFU actually contains 60 Billion Cfus per serving. Other brands say they have it, but beware of the deception. Some products say “equivalent to” or do not state an amount of Cfus.

(2). Made With Probiotics and Organic Prebiotics – These probiotics are made with prebiotics and probiotics based on clinical research. A comprehensive probiotic supplement for ultimate digestive health.

(3). Made with 10 probiotic strains & Non-Gmo ingredients – Shelf-stable vegan probiotics with No: unnecessary binders, soy, gluten, milk, egg, wheat, peanuts, shellfish or preservatives.

(4). Naturally Inspired Probiotic Supplement – Contains 10 strains plus a Patented Shelf-Stable bottle which ensures product stability. These probiotics contain a natural organic prebiotic fiber blend which will help to support the stomach’s digestive environment and support the natural stomach balance.

(5). Awesome For Gut Health –  Proven formula for gas relief, bloating relief, constipation, digestive health and intestinal health.

(6). Great Probiotic Product For Adults – Our prebiotics and probiotics are effective and intended for use by adults. 

(7). Contains All Of The Important Bacteria Strains – Including: Acidophilus probiotic with prebiotic including 10 strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

(8). Safety Assured Standard of Quality – Physicians Choice Probiotics 60 Billion CfU Product is 3rd-party tested for purity and potency. Each bottle is manufactured in the USA using imported and domestic ingredients. These awesome probiotics are made for women and men. They contain 60 Billion Cfus at the time of manufacturing, more than the usual 50 Billion Cfu, plus the  standard organic prebiotic blend!

How Does It Work?

  • A probiotic can only work if it is capable of surviving the austere stomach environment. If you have selected a strain that is proven to reach the gut alive, help it out by taking it in the morning with your breakfast.
  • The probiotic will take up short term residence in either the small or large intestine depending on the conditions in these environments.
  • Once it’s localized the probiotics can ‘crowd out’ any ‘bad’ bacteria by competing for their food sources and space.
  • Probiotics will also provide certain vitamins and short chain fatty acids which are known to be beneficial for your health.
  • Depending on the specific strain chosen, changes to the gut can be noted from as little as 3 days.

Scientifically Backed Ingredients

Physicians Choice probiotics 60 Billion CFU contains a diverse blend of ten heavily researched probiotic strains with more CFUs than your average probiotic. Each strain is hand-selected and doctor-approved for optimal digestive support.

What’s In It?

Ten strains of extensively researched probiotics, including L. casei, L. acidophilus, L. paracasei, L. salvarius, L. plantarum, L. bulgaricus, B. lactis, B. bifidum, B. longum, and B. breve. 

What Are The Benefits of Physicians Choice 60 Billion CFU?

  • Contains over 10 Proven Strains of the most clinically researched probiotic strains demonstrated to support comprehensive gut health.
  • Each probiotic capsule is coated in an acid-resistant, delayed-release shell to ensure microorganisms survive the journey to the gut.
  • Patented shelf-stable bottles provide an added layer of protection to eliminate the need for refrigeration and ensure the longevity of your probiotics. 
  • Organic prebiotic blend to support overall digestive health


Probiotics are defined as microorganisms that provide benefits to their host. Humans rely on resident microorganisms, including probiotics, to keep our bodies healthy and functioning properly, but diet and other factors can alter our healthy bacteria1*.

Probiotics for Overall Stomach Health

Research strongly supports the benefits of probiotics for the digestive system, including evidence that these healthy bacteria improve symptoms associated with several intestinal conditions1*

Immune Support

While we think of our digestive system mainly for its role in processing food and getting us the nutrients that we need, it is also one of the most active components of our immune system. Data suggest that probiotic bacteria directly and indirectly enhance a protective immune response.

Nutrient Absorption

Probiotics have also been shown to have an important impact on the absorption, use, and storage of energy from the food we consume, including the generation of beneficial short-chain fatty acids that promote weight regulation. 

Surviving the Gut: The Probiotic Journey

Since probiotics must make it through the stomach to be effective, the beneficial properties of a probiotic product depend on its survival in a harsh, acidic environment. 

Physician’s Choice delayed-release capsules are acid-resistant, offering a critical layer of protection to keep the probiotic organisms viable on their journey to the intestines. To learn more click here.

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