Xlim Coffee

Learn How To Lose Weight With L-Carnitine Coffee

Why Xlim Coffee

Xlim Coffee Express  for weight loss features a proven weight loss aid: L-CARNITINE!

Xlim Coffee is MADE IN USA WITH GMP STANDARDS: Longreen Xlim Slim Organic Coffee is manufactured in an FDA & GMP registered facility and made in the USA, while every batch is third-party tested for quality and purity.

Not only does this AWESOME amino acid decrease the amount of fat that your body stores, but it also helps reduce visceral belly fat, the kind that surrounds your vital organs and potentially leads to fatty liver disease and other serious health conditions.

Scientifically Backed Ingredients

  • L-carnitine – Boosts your metabolism to help you lose weight.
  • Caffeine – Increases your metabolism, suppresses your appetite and reduces your body fat.

The Benefits Of Drinking Xlim Coffee With L-Carnitine

  • L-carnitine coffee promotes a feeling of fullness, so you won’t eat as much and are more likely to lose weight.
  • You’ll increase your metabolism and burn more calories during the day. 
  • You’ll reduced your body fat levels
  • Promotes mental acuity – Longreen Xlim Slim Organic Coffee’s potent formula has been shown to help you shift mentally into a higher gear when you need it most. 
  • Low carb – No unnecessary calories, carbs, and sugar in this instant hot drink mix to help you lose weight.
  • 100% Original written writ – for being lower in acidity and caffeine than most instant espressos or coffees available on the market.
  • Made in the USA to strict GMP standards – Longreen Xlim Slim Organic Coffee is produced in an FDA-approved facility.


According to Harvard Health Publishing, a fast metabolism means you’ll burn more calories during the day, whether you’re moving or at rest. “This means a faster metabolic rate promotes quicker weight loss than a slower metabolic rate.

A review published in April 2017 in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that participants who consumed caffeine 30 minutes to 4 hours before mealtime had lower food intake. Other studies haven’t confirmed this link, though, so don’t stake your diet on this effect.  To learn more click here.
